The Black Monk of Pontefract is one of the most notorious poltergeists in Europe.
Infamous for many reasons, the ghost’s reputation has been immortalised through its pranks, violent actions, and a 2012 horror film.
The History
One day young Diane Pritchard was minding her own business in her home at 30 East Drive, Pontefract, England. It was then that Pritchard’s long hair stood on its end. Without warning, something pulled Diane by her hair and dragged her up the stairs of her home, causing her to kick and scream for her life. Then it was over and all that was left of the event were finger marks on her neck and trauma on her psyche.
To anyone else, this occurrence would have been out of the ordinary. Though for the Pritchard family it wasn’t. Jean, Joe, Phillip, and Diane Pritchard knew they were living with a poltergeist since their move-in in August 1966. They named the entity Fred. What was strange about the event was the violent nature of Fred’s actions.
Prior to Fred dragging Diane up the stairs, Fred made his presence known in other ways. Witnesses saw chalk dust falling from head level, pools of water appearing and reappearing instantaneously after continuous cleanup, lights going on and off, the tea dispenser activating by itself, cupboard doors shaking, plant pots jumping out of their containers, items levitating, and photographs being slashed by some invisible blade.
Very little is known about Fred except that the poltergeist has a sense of humour and violent tendencies. Some theorise that Fred is the subject of a local legend. In the legend, it is said that a 16th-century monk was tried and executed for a heinous crime on the grounds the house is on. The monk’s body was disposed of in a well on the grounds too.
One fact that supports this theory is that when Fred does appear he takes the form of a dark shadowy figure in black monk’s robes. This image has earned him the title of “The Black Monk of Pontefract” and the “The Black Monk Poltergeist”.
The Movie
The 2012 horror movie When the Lights Went Out is loosely based on the events at 30 East Drive. The house’s official website says the movie takes place in 1974 and is “the story of a down-to-earth Yorkshire family and the malevolent spirit who turns their existence upside down”.
The movie is directed by local Pontefract resident Pat Holden and produced by Bil Bungay, the current owner of 30 East Drive.
The movie’s premiere actually took place in the house! While brainstorming creative ways to promote the movie, Bungay realised there was no better place to hold the premiere than in the very location the story takes place.
Bungay would later reflect: “After completing the movie, I was looking for original ways of promoting When the Lights Went Out when I discovered that the actual house, where all these incredible events allegedly happened, was for sale – and it was…er, cheap – so I bought it!”
Bungay was sceptical of Fred’s residency and figured after 40 years, if there was a ghost, it would no longer be there. Bungay said he assumed wrong.
Over the next several months, the one-time sceptic became a firm believer when he witnessed unexplainable events in the house. Occurrences like a fully charged phone shutting off while taking a photo, reports of early morning bumps and bangs coming from the house, glowing blue balls of energy in the corridor, and the black shadow of a very tall entity coming through the wall into the neighbour’s house have all allegedly taken place.
That’s not surprising considering there have been 288 recent interactions with the demonic entity. From spirit balls floating around, doors opening and closing on their own, large black shadows, and scratches appearing on guests’ bodies, the recounts go on and on.
If you do visit, there is a list of rules to abide by. Visitors must also sign a release form relinquishing all legal rights in order to visit the house.
30 East Drive has a long list of paranormal encounters to its name. Though some may think these occurrences are caused by something else rather than a ghost named Fred.
The power of expectation could be much more
powerful than Fred ever will be. Visitors see the Black Monk of Pontefract at
the house because they are looking for him.
Psychologists call this experience motivated perception. Based on what one
witnesses, they pick and choose the information that will best support their
bias and experience. Perception is malleable.
So, if you walk into a haunted house with the
hopes of meeting a poltergeist, you are going to select moments from the
experience that support your ideas.
That being said, the Pritchard family didn’t move into the house with the intention of living with a ghost.
Was their experience real because they weren’t looking for a poltergeist? Let us know what you think in the comments below.
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